Made my first save today… Story time ig?
I had to make a save today. It was an adult male, active victim in the deep end. I had seen him in the teen/adult swim class, so I knew he could not swim. I was scanning like normal and suddenly started hearing splashing from the deep end. I turned and saw him, mostly submerged, flailing, and making intense eye contact with me, so I got off the stand, whistled for my down guard, ran to the deep and jumped for him. I got him up and at the wall, and asked if he swallowed water and if he was ok. He was SUPER non-chillant about it, and insisted he was fine. My down guard must not have heard my whistle because she never came to help. I was really frazzled afterwards so for some reason instead of going to get hurt, I just got back up on the stand and finished my stand, then went and filled out my incident report and messaged the aquatics Director at at my pool once the other guard came to switch out (after filling her in of course). The dude was fine, and just sat for a few minutes before getting up and leaving the pool.