I think I was there...
This is not creative writing, this is true, it actually happened.
I just learned about "backrooms" and "liminal spaces" a couple of hours ago, well, the definitions anyway. It sounds eerily similar to an experience I had about 2 years ago. The first weird thing about this, that I want to point out, is that nobody ever remembers the exact moment a dream begins, you just find yourself "in" the dream, never fully remembering how you arrived wherever you are. Because of that, in addition to the duration, I'm reluctant to believe that this was just a dream... I went to bed one night, and when I opened my eyes in the morning, I was laying on the floor of an abandoned warehouse. I was very disoriented and panicked because when I opened my eyes, I fully expected to see my bedside table, my clock, and the wall of our bedroom. Instead, I was inside of a big, mostly empty, metal framed, concrete floored warehouse. I really didn't know what to think. I immediately jumped up and yelled for my husband Jim. I screamed his name a second time, but then I clapped my hands over my mouth, because it occurred to me that I had no idea what my circumstances were, as in where I was, how I had gotten there, and why I was there, and the thought hit me that someone must have abducted me from our bed somehow and I felt a sudden surge of fear and adrenaline. I ran to the back of the building and found an exit and kept running. After about a mile or two I crawled under a deck on the back of a house. I was crying and hyperventilating and completely beside myself trying to reconcile the situation. I started trying to calm down so I could think clearly and assess things logically. I was wearing the same clothes I went to bed in; a t-shirt, sweatpants and socks. I didn't have any injuries or injection marks. I didn't feel like I had been drugged. And then it didn't take long to notice the silence. The absence of traffic noise was first, then I realized that there was no sound but the wind. No voices, no music, no doors opening and closing, no birds chirping or dogs barking, absolutely nothing. I stayed under that porch for at least a few hours before I ventured out. And when I did, I eventually found that I was completely alone, everything was abandoned. I was the only living thing besides vegetation. It was mind blowing. Then I thought, oh I'm just having a lucid dream, which I had in the past, but this one was very different. My usual exit from a lucid dream, screaming "WAKE UUUUPPPP" was not working. I tried everything...lots of screaming and breaking things...anything I could think of to make noise to try to wake myself up.
I was stuck there for 2 months and 2 days, I think, at least that's what I recorded. I started keeping track of the days after about a week, with hash marks on a piece of paper that I kept in my pocket.
At one point, about 3 weeks in, I wrapped my right hand with a cloth and used a piece of broken glass to stab my left hand. I thought that if I was actually asleep and dreaming, that the shock of that would surely make me wake up. It didn't. What it did do was bleed profusely, exactly as you would expect, and the pain was excruciating. I suffered with that wound and pain for the remaining 5 weeks or so. I even vomited once from the pain when I hit it on the edge of a cabinet. Having considered every possible scenario, I landed on two possibilities, that I had either been abducted by aliens and placed in a replica of a human city/town for some unknown purpose, or that I had suffered a stroke or an aneurysm in my sleep and I was trapped in my mind. Finding the latter to be more likely, I would scream, "I'M IN HERE! I'M IN HERE! HELP ME! I'M STILL HERE! JIM I'M HERE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" over and over until I would literally collapse sobbing. I drifted in and out of houses and buildings. I felt weird about sleeping in people's beds, so I would find blankets in the closets or pull them off of beds and I slept on couches. Yes, I actually went to sleep each night, and every time I woke up in the morning, I hoped everything would be back to normal, but I started to think it never would be. I picked a house that was close to a convenience store and "lived" there for the last month or so. There are far too many details to describe everything I did/how I felt/what I was thinking the entire time, but I still remember. The last moments I was there, I was walking in the street, heading towards that house, carrying a paper bag of groceries in my right arm, as I had just come from the convenience store. I felt a hand grab that arm and I simultaneously screamed and dropped the groceries. As I was in mid-scream, suddenly I was sitting up in our bed, in the middle of that street, and Jim was sitting on the bed beside me with his hand on my arm, saying, "You're ok! You're ok! It's just me!" And I threw my arms around him and started crying hysterically. As I lifted my head up off of his shoulder, I started to see our bedroom and that place was fading away the more I blinked. It took maybe 15 seconds to fade away completely. Jim was holding me and said, "My God you scared me! I couldn't get you to wake up, I literally had to grab your arm and shake you!" (I'm a SUPER light sleeper...the slightest noise, movement or touch normally startles me awake). It took me at least 15 minutes or more to compose myself enough to explain to him what I had just been through. I don't think he ever fully understood the profoundness of it though, and I never spoke of it much after that day, because it was too scary. Throughout the weeks that followed, I was absolutely terrified that I would end up there again. I fought sleep to the point of severe deprivation. I'm afraid still to this day. I'm actually paranoid that writing this could trigger it again, whatever "it" is.
So was I trapped in a liminal space? Has anyone had a similar experience?