[F4A] Forced Pregnancy RP


18+ preferably 21+[I am 35F] [I would prefer female.]
No text speak
Full paragraphs (between 2-4) (I do try to match my partners length)
I’m confident in any POV but my personal preference is 3rd or 2nd.
Original characters only.

Please post age group when messaging, doesn't need to be exact age.


  • Forced pregnancy/impregnation/breeding/surrogacy
  • Inhuman pregnancy (alien/demon/mythical creature/science experiment/cults/animal)
  • Impregnation/Medical impregnation
  • Restraints/Stirrups
  • Dirty talk in regards to breeding
  • Rapid pregnancy
  • Complications
  • Horror genre
  • Sci-fi genre
  • Dystopian/apocalyptic setting
  • Abandoned medical facilities
  • Medical examinations (Bonus if they're connected to pregnancy - ultrasounds [including transvaginal], amniocentesis, belt with sensor around the belly that monitors contractions etc)
  • Long, difficult, painful births
  • Different/assisted births (forceps, vacuum, caesarean, hands pressing down on belly etc)
  • Instrument births
  • Induced labour/breaking waters
  • Milking
  • Kidnapping/imprisoned
  • Multiples (especially when surprised)
  • Lots of belly touching
  • Being told what is about to happen. Describing how long and painful it is going to be.


  • Egg Laying
  • Omega Verse (MXF or FxF)
  • Public birthing
  • Incest


  • Bursting
  • Mpreg
  • MxM


  1. A shady adoption agency that kidnaps young women who fit genetic profiles and keep them in a secret medical facility as breeders. Babies are sold to rich clients. Sometimes clients give the agency what they are looking for and they search for these specific women.

  2. Last woman or at least last fertile woman on Earth capture by a secret organisation and brought to an underground medical facility to undergo exams to check for fertility and then put through a rigorous course of fertility treatments - possible pregnant with twins.