A guide to almost everything in livly
I've been playing since July 2022 and noticed theres not really much advice or info for this game in english so I've been inspired to make this after I dumped a ton of info on a new player I met. I'll be going over a lot of stuff. This is my first time making a guide so I apologise if its a bit disorganised. please let me know if theres anything I should add or mistakes i've made.
I am not free to play - I buy the monthly step up pack so I have more gp to throw around but thats the only IAP I go for and I do it because I really enjoy this game. If someone can give me the price range of dust and figurines in yami shop that would be great because I can't remember the exact ranges.
If you want to spend money I would recommend buying the monthly step up or the membership, anything else is mostly overpriced or if you want to support them more. The monthly step up is an instant dose of gp while the membership enables you to change livly sizes, visit membership areas, get a membership exclusive island item and earn gp through member quests.
Sections covered in this guide
Livly Creation
Livly Colors/Size
Hom and Island advice
Yami Shop
Ways to get GP/Gold
I've ported the guide to google docs and you can get to different sections more easily using the outline function.
Guide was last edited: 18/03/2025