Has anybody else had a bad experience with their children getting kicked out from Middletown United Methodist Church’s preschool?

They kicked my 4-year-old out on his 2nd day. He’s not violent in any way, but they called him a “runner” and said he had a few screaming fits. He also has a tic where he shakes his arms and makes dolphin noises when he’s very stimulated. They recommended me going to see the doctor about it after his 1st day. The doctor said it’s speculative at this age over what that could possibly be, but said it’s common for children with tics like that to go away when they start in a school environment. The next day he gets kicked out. 

They said “it’s not fair to him, and it’s not fair to the other children in the class, and we just don’t have the kind of staff to deal with that sort of thing.” I really feel that if they’d given him at least a week, he would’ve adjusted to the environment.

This was a year ago, and I’ve been super depressed about it since then. On everyone’s recommendations, I took him to Hopebridge Autism therapy for an assessment. They said he didn’t qualify for ASD. I applied for him to go to the Friends school in St. Mathews, they were full. I reached out to the Headstart program, they never went out of their way to respond. I tried enrolling him in the JCPS early-learning program, they said they were only accepting families on government assistance. I had him get assessed for an IEP, they said he didn’t qualify. 

I feel like I have just been given the fucking runaround from EVERYBODY I’ve gone to! But he started kindergarten camp today. No news is good news I suppose. We’ll see how next week goes I suppose.