Anyone Know what happened to Cole Barnett From Season 3?

His Instagram is gone and so is his Tik Tok, seems like he got off social media.

Good for him. I know that at the reunion he was a mess because of all the backlash with the Zanab situation. The guy really looked rough and you can tell he was going through it! I always believed he was a good guy but it's just him and Zanab were different and then she took advantage of the situation to try to gaslight him and make him out to be the evil villain. Sadly most people didn't realize Zanab was the crazy one until the cuties scene dropped, but some of us clocked Zanab way before.

I hope Cole is happier now wherever he is at. Great guy

Update/Edit: Just found out Cole left Social media about a year ago due to mental health issues. Praying for the guy, yes he was immature but who wasn't at the age of 26? really hope he pulls through it. Cole I love you man!