Something Horrifying Is Happening, And It's Freaking Me Out.
I start lucid dreaming as normal, with my WILD method. Then I wake up and get sleep paralysis. That is a daily occurrence for me. I don't mind sleep paralysis though, Ive learned to control it, and it's rather a pleasant experience, something I look forward to.
But for the last 2 days.. my sleep paralysis is starting to get very weird and disturbing, not just with the visuals, but with the sleep paralysis itself.
So, 2 days ago, I get sleep paralysis. I see a demon in my doorway. This usually doesn't happen, but it's sleep paralysis, so I didn't really care. Then I tried to spawn in a strawberry cheesecake into my vision (I can hallucinate anything in sleep paralysis) but it just turned into a cake with black goo coming out of it, like the skin of venom or something. It then slowly turned into a demon, and that freaked me out. I then started to become even more scared, when I felt breathing behind me. Out of pure instinct, I turned around to see a demon laying on the side of my bed.
My heart literally pumped out of my chest, not because there was literally a (fake) demon next to me, but because I moved.. this wasn't sleep paralysis.
I then got up from my bed, and the hallucinations were still there, I could touch them too.
I then went to go get some water from the fridge, and the demons were gone. This freaked me the hell out, but I rationalized it as some hallucinations from waking up.
I lucid dream the next night, and I see the same demon, that was lying next to me on my bed, in my lucid dream. The demon proceeded to strangle me, then I woke up, with the demon facing me in my bed.
The demon has a top hat, glowing yellow eyes, and somehow I can feel it has a conscious, it's probably my subconscious though.
The demon in real life, began to strangle me (using telekinesis) and I felt my head bump against the wall. I even freaking seen myself floating from the mirrior in my room. I dropped to the floor, looked at my bed, seen the demon was gone, and went to sleep again.
I woke up with pain everywhere, but especially my throat. And then I decided to get some help, which is why I came here.
So can you explain what is happening to me. And PLEASE don't include the paranormal into this conversation, I want a rational explanation.