Experienced Lucid dreamer report: Drunk edition

I got drunk last night, falling all over the place giggling drunk. I was staying in a hotel by the coast and it was about 2am when I went to bed … I think.

Anyway if I’m that drunk normally I just blackout sleep, but this time I came too in my lucid state - wasted. I still couldn’t walk or think straight and I kept jumping between places and scenes at random I’d stubble and fall through walls into the next thought or want I had.

It was both terrifying and kinda fun to be honest - I just be giggling to myself and just changing my environment to be completely random.

Best lucid I’ve had in a while since I normally take lucid seriously and it was nice to just play again.

Not promoting this in anyway just letting you know if you sleep drunk then drunk you might lucid and it’s not as controlled.