What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP
What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP
What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP it is different it is NOT MMO but is is like DUNGEON MMO it. Take all the adventuring and it just dungeons with match making I am not big fan this because I LOVE the world that my fav part of MMO is the WORLD BUT I play one match and I like I can play as HEALER but there no character creation it just like overwatch they have characters already it is very different game but I think from what I play it sort of fun what does every one else think !
What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP
What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP it is different it is NOT MMO but is is like DUNGEON MMO it. Take all the adventuring and it just dungeons with match making I am not big fan this because I LOVE the world that my fav part of MMO is the WORLD BUT I play one match and I like I can play as HEALER but there no character creation it just like overwatch they have characters already it is very different game but I think from what I play it sort of fun what does every one else think !