Tap targeting is great but what is your favorite action combat MMO? Mine is this gem

Dragons Dogma Online was a Free action combat role playing MMO made specifically for the Japanese Market by Capcom in 2015, it lasted 4 years up until 2019.

Combat was addictive and felt really engaging you could scale large foes and the enemy variety was great!

It had 11 classes where you could change whenever you liked, and each one of them served a meaningful purpose in a party, 2 classes stood out for me Spirit Lancer a fighter healer class and Shield Sage a tank spellcaster!

You could either play with friends or with a character you made, your Pawn and you could even hire other peoples pawns in your team to form a party of pawns.

Pawn mechanics where intricately well built, your pawn could stay behind and craft, if it died it would be lost in a place called the rift where you could save it, you could fine tune it's behavior for combat purposes and give live orders and also there was romance!

The Story was about a collective struggle to restore the Powers of the White Dragon who lost them in a fight with a Golden Dragon (former human) for trying to usurp his place as the protector of the country!

The main reason for it shutting down was a struggle to sustain profits, seasons where delayed hype fell and selling strategy was very oriented in selling anime skins through collaborations such as Overlord, Berserk, Rezero, AOT and many more.