Tested positive for allergic colitis at 1 month appt — seeking advice

Hi! I’m a FTM and been exclusively breastfeeding my daughter for this first month. We give her a bottle or two a night of breast milk a night and she’s been gaining weight well so we haven’t used formula yet.

About two weeks ago she got super fussy and gassy and we’ve wondered if it’s an allergy. Today at our appt the doctor confirmed by checking her poop that she was positive for allergic colitis.

I tried over the weekend not eating dairy and soy and I don’t think it’s sustainable for me, mentally. So first off any support in telling my brain that’s okay will be helpful 🥲

But since we haven’t used formula at all, the transition from one extreme to the other feels daunting. Breastfeeding isn’t easy (esp with her so fussy) but definitely is convenient compared to pumping. I am going to talk to a lactation consultant tomorrow but I’m super overwhelmed and don’t know if I should try to just wean off breastfeeding and go to hypoallergenic formula only, or if I should pump and save a supply for when / if she outgrows this intolerance. Or if I should go dairy / soy free for a little bit during the transition.

I think I’m just seeing if anyone else decided to make this breastfeeding to formula transition and were satisfied with that decision. Thank you ❤️