Weird trail encounter
I saw a dude today on the trail who was tripping on mushrooms. I came around a blind corner and this person was standing bent halfway over like with a walking stick and he was like walking in half circles. He was holding a gnome and he didn’t have shoes on. He was dressed in like a plaid gown. I literally sat on my bike and watched this dude for like 3 minutes doing that shit and he was like half laughing half crying. Eventually he looked up and saw me and was like totally normal like he was like “what’s good bro” I was like “you good?” He was like “yeah bro I’m tripping on shrooms” I was like “ah you’re good bro. Have a good one” and I like awkwardly rode around this dude and his shoes that he had beside him. And he was like “stay safe brother. I love you” and I just kept riding away lmao