Does anyone else feel this way?
I am OBSESSED with mountain biking. Whether it’s enduro riding for exercise or bike park ripping, I love it all. I’m from north eastern PA, which is not known for its crazy downhill tech or jump lines. There are only a handful of trails nearby that I get to really test my fear and abilities and I have “unlocked” all of them. Except a select few features that scare me a good bit. And this is where my problem starts.
Every single day that goes by where I haven’t “unlocked” these features, eats at my soul. My heart pounds and my hands sweat profusely when I think about that one drop I haven’t hit. Or the road gap I’ve wiped out on every attempt. I get anxious thinking about them, hoping that the next time I approach them I’ll be able to mindlessly send and stomp them.
I am able to send almost anything PA throws at me, but when there’s something that scares me, I get worked up and upset with myself for being too afraid to hit them. It sends me into a spiral of visualizing form and thinking about how I might wipeout on the landing. It’s never too obstructive to my daily life but, damn, does it nag me. Anyone else battling fear like this?