I Want A Genuine Talk About This
Do you think the magical girl genre is stuck between 2 extremes as far as people making their own? Sailor moon & Madoka? The classic or the subversion. Fans don't seem to make a middle ground for their MG series but very much jump to one of the 2 here. Is it just difficult? Symphogear and Cardcaptor Sakura are a few of the outliers who approach it differently but I never see them cited. Thats not to be said "know your roots" which is important and influential to many but when we plant the same tree from the same roots it can come off at stale and uninspired.
Because writing my series I feel like I'm a good balance of the 2 at the moment and wanted to know anyone else has their own work hit that balance too.
Edit: I've forgotten to add Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha to this. From what I hear about it that hits a good middle point.