Making and Convicting a Murderer - who convinced you?

So wondering how many of seen Convicting a Murderer? And if you have seen it, did it sway you??, Of course not as accessible as MaM due to heavily biased media suppression. (As far as I can tell you can only watch the whole thing on the Daily Wire). I would consider myself a neutral party interested in the case and I have watched both but wanted to know what others think. I live in Wisconsin and When I first saw MaM I was late to the game and the whole series was captivating but definitely felt like huge chunks were left out. Lol like I’m supposed to believe that all of the county and the state and Wisconsin Supreme Court are adamant this guy is railroaded ? When CaM came out it kinda solidified… oh yeah he’s guilty. But then went back to MaM and there’s some missing pieces not to mention Kathleen Zellner is still firmly fighting for Avery, and she’s no dummy. I can’t decide lol so curious on other people’s thoughts?