With Rm1.8k salary, what can I achieve?

I (23M) landed a permanent job and have been working for less than a month in this place. With a (finally) stable income, I want to move out of my family house and rent a room closer to my workplace.

Reason : 45min commute with traffic, tolls cost(Rm132/month), gas cost(Apprxmly. Rm200+/month), and personally want to be independant.

I found a room that I like cost Rm450 and 15 minutes commute. Would this be feasible with my salary? Im too scared to assume how much bills and grocery would cost.

If someone could give advice with this, I appreciate it thank you.

EDIT : Thank you everyone who took the time to comment and helped me! Did not expect this much response and sorry I couldnt reply to a lot of you. 90% suggested to wait and count my expenses & stay with family to gather savings. The others suggested I find another better paying job. I quite like this job (so far!) and willing to climb the ranks here so I might not be entertaining that suggestion yet. Theres a lot of valuable comments here and kinda still processing it, I appreciate it guys thank you!