Origin of mandaeans

Comparsion of mandaean y haplogroup and Iraqi Arab haplogroup.

Most striking is the high percentage of E-v12 haplogroup, which is only found in Greece and southern Italy at this high concentration. Suggesting certain Greek decent.

To be fair, mandeans claim to be from Judea but they are not jews and actually use anti-semitic language in their religious scripture and do not practice circumcision and consider it a major sin that should be enough to suspect philistine desent. But now with the high e-v12 haplogroup I would suggest a very high probability that mandaeans are the bone fide descendants of the philistines.

The other notable finding would be the high % of J haplogroup which is most associated with Jews. Also high T haplogroup which is most common in Persians as well as the r1a which is the Aryan haplogroup also common among Persians suggesting interacial mixing with Persians.