Gels/Sugar Started Tasting Weird
During my second marathon this last weekend (LA), I noticed that right around my second gel, the gel and anything else sugary started tasting really weird and leaving a strange mouth feel. It was almost like a metallic taste with an electric feel and as if my body was trying to tell me “no more sugar”. So I backed off from more gels or sugary things for a while and focused on water and salty things. Which seemed to help a bit with the weird taste aspect, but then I think I was not properly fueled for the second half of the race. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
This is the first time I’ve experienced this, it didn’t happen during my first marathon or any of my long runs. For reference I was planning on eating the 160g Maurten gels every 40 minutes (I ended up only being able to get through 3.5 of them) and I was drinking the Electrolit at every other aid station (water the other times). During training long runs I was doing the 100g Maurten gels every 40 mins. Was bumping up to the 160s a mistake? Is it possible to consume too much sugar during a race or am I missing something else?
I was aiming for 4 hours but the wheels started to fall off after mile 8 (ended up finishing in 4:50), in part because a really nasty flu derailed the last month and a half of my training and in part because of nutrition/hydration. So I really want to get the nutrition/hydration dialed in for future races so that I can meet my goal of going sub 4.