u/MegBreslin’s Courier Page and Feedback Thread

Welcome to my courier page, Meg at your service!

Services Offered:

Middle-manning Item Transfers Caps Transfers

(I can hold up to 40,000 caps)


Monday - Friday : 12pm-4pm, 11pm-1am Saturday - Sunday : 10am-2pm, 11pm-3am

(Times may vary and may be available on times not listed) I will try my best to be available at these times.

All times are listed in United Kingdom TIMEZONE (BST)

Contact: Reddit or Discord EDNA-94 Courier Bot

Character: Main Character: Level 776+

Platform: XBOX

Gamertag: Brezo17

Gamerscore is 22,260, 119 Followers.

Discord ID: megbreslin

Other Info:

Items will always be double checked with both parties to ensure everything is correct.

I will not join parties or communicate through mic, I only communicate via Reddit, EDNA-94 or XBOX messages.

Please use the correct method of calling for a courier, I will not respond to direct Xbox messages asking for a courier.