Emotionally Unavailable Husband

My husband and I got married last November. (counting being married we would be together for 4 years on May 1st)

Since we’ve been married and maybe some time before then, I have felt emotionally neglected from my husband. He started a new job just about the same time and it really has taken a toll on his mental health and physical wellbeing (not sure if that would have to do with it but I’m sure it does a little).

I just feel like, every time I cry he’s only there for a second to tell me it’s okay Every time I tell him I feel emotionally disconnected he doesn’t make me feel better I tried telling him today that I felt this way and I’m starting to feel resentful and pushing him away (I told him the only reason I’m telling him is because I want to catch this and fix it before it ruins our marriage, not because I wanted to tell him) and he didn’t even really pay any attention, making jokes and I could tell he was busy talking to our friend while reading my texts as he spoke to me the same way he does when we are with him (our friend)

I was texting him because we had an argument and I was finishing up my shower while he did whatever in another room.

Anyway, what do I need to do? He has Asperger’s so it makes communication hard. He doesn’t like therapy.

Please, any tips before I feel fully disconnected from him?