How do I get my husband into me again?

Throwaway, because I feel silly and stupid

Long story short me and my husband (both 31) haven't been intimate in..I'm not sure, probably at least two years

At the time I just wasn't in a good place mentally, my grandparents had recently passed, and I just wasn't feeling great in my skin, I'd gained a lot of weight. He tried to talk to me but I wasn't ready at the time to really listen to what he saying, I was extremely depressed

Recently he gave me a audible membership for my birthday and I ended up listening to some books some friends recommended...that really got me heated. tried to kiss him / lead him to the bedroom but he just looked at me like I was crazy and slapped my hands away.

I've tried to talk to him a couple times since but he just ignores me with his games or leaves to go with his friends. Aside from this he's an amazing husband, does whatever I need and is otherwise their for me.

How do I start this conversation with him in a way that doesn't make me seem crazy?