I think my husband hates me.

My husband and I have worked together in my family's business for 21 years. A few years back my husband took over the business as GM and I continued to work part time in the office. We had a new accountant start working for us and at first we got on great, she was friendly and our office was fun to work in. But then she decided that I would no longer have my roles in accounts and took it upon herself to take them off me. She didn't talk to anyone about it, there was no reason, I assume she just wanted full control of the accounts. I wasn't comfortable with this as one of my roles was to watch what invoices were being paid. I usually deal with work issues by being upfront with employees but as she was a new employee (and female, IYKYK), I decided to complain to my boss (my husband), but he did nothing about it. This continued on for months, I would complain about my roles being taken off me, both verbally and in emails and he would do nothing. One day I came to work and the accountant was bluntly ignoring me, walking around stomping her feet and generally making the office uncomfortable. For the first time I confronted her and I asked her what was wrong, she said she didn't like the way my husband spoke to her. I reminded her that I am not my husband and didn't even know he had spoken to her nor what it was about. Then her treatment of me got worse and our receptionist started following her lead. I would go to do a task that was my responsibility, and it was done (incorrectly most of the time), I caught the receptionist lying to me on several occasions and changing my work, I felt like I was losing control of my job, a job I had done for 21 years. I was getting bullied at work. I complained numerous times to my husband, and he still did nothing about it but was fully aware of what was going on. This started to affect me mentally, I started to feel worthless at work, like I had no purpose to be there and my boss/husband could but wouldn't stand up for me nor support me. My anxiety went crazy, I spent days constantly crying, crying all day long, crying whilst driving my daughter to school. I resorted to spending my spare time in my bedroom, away from the world, my husband watched me break down mentally and did nothing about it. My doctor wanted me to put in a worker's comp claim for bullying and harassment but I didn't want to do that to our business. This all happened two years ago and to this day my husband has still done nothing to fix the situation. I did quit my job and left, but my husband asked me to come back as he needed me, I did, not because of loyalty to him, but loyalty to the business my father started. I relocated my desk to another building on our work site to try and remove myself from the office situation, but I still feel like shit at work. The thing that is affecting me the most is knowing that the man who is supposed to love me and could have stopped this whole situation from happening at the very beginning still hasn't done anything about it. I am now starting to become aware of similar treatment in our personal life. I'm starting to think he hates me and just doesn't really care.