Men who don't want to get married but exclusively only date women that do want to get married. What gives?
I used to want to get married so badly some years ago. Back then, when I was dating, I was quite open about this intention with potential partners, as I felt that honesty is key, and it easily filters out people in the first stages of dating who aren't looking for the same thing. However, aside from one long-term relationship (that could've led to marriage had we continued) I ended up having, I had a lot of guys I dated tell me how they "maybe" want to get married at first, then change their opinion after a few months of dating.
However, now that I have changed my own mind, and I am not looking to get married anymore (I am not closed off to the idea of a long-term partnership, though), things are... different. I have a tough time attracting men who don't want to get married, which sounds crazy. I've been able to chat with some of them on dating apps, go on dates with them, and I usually check right off the bat that the men aren't interested in marriage. I feel like it wouldn't be fair to lead someone on. I usually ask about this before we even meet up, because I understand that it's a big deal to some people.
However, when they find out that I agree with them, and don't want to get married either, they have no interest in seeing me anymore or even having sex with me for that matter. It all ends right there. I even recently had a guy tell me on a date the reasons why he doesn't want to get married, but still is happy to date me, and when I agreed with him and said I didn't see a point in it either, everything switched, he went awkward and quiet, then texted later that we shouldn't see each other, because he wants a woman who has different values.
What gives? I would think that people who don't want to get married only would want to date people who don't want to get married either, and vice versa.
Edit: Thanks for the useful responses and insights. I'm going gay. Ladies get ready.