Decisions decisions

They've increased the Anti Venom bundle price from 4500 to 5000 gold. So,

For 5000 gold, you're getting: 1 variant 3000 tokens 3000 credits

But if you wait for the April Album, then;

For 5600 gold, you're getting(considering you have atleast 2 variants already brought from the daily shop, so that you are 2/10 in the shop track):

10 variants (8 from bundle, 1 from rewards, 1 from shop track) 5000 tokens (3000 from bundle rewards, 2000 from shop track)

I think I'll wait till April. The only downside is that I'll have to buy Malekith and Kate Bishop using tokens, and hopefully find them( I have yet to unlock a total of 36 cards, I'm F2P)