New player experience
As a new player this game is fun but it is forsure ptw. Ive seen post argue it isnt compared to other card games, but i dont care if its less when compared the fact is this game is 100% pay to win. If me and another person are brand new never played a match and i purchase every single bundle in the store as well as the season pass im gonna shit on the other player. Not because skill or luck but because i now have cards that shit all over his started deck.
Ptw games take out the fun.
BuT YOu cAn gEt AlL ThE SaMe CaRdS wItHouT SpeNDiNG anY MoNeY
Saying that you can eventually be on the same level as the person who spends 100’s of dollars on a game after you put 100’s of hours into the game is just acknowledging its pay to win. Pay to win doesnt mean you pay for skill pay to win is being able to pay for an advantage.
Anyway games definitely fun for what it is but ptw will always be trash.