I just watched Avatar 2: the gang visits Subnautica

It was exactly what you would expect. Visually it is an absolute treat and I don't say this lightly. Some of the effects had me wondering how the fuck they were even able to create them digitially. There's some real treats in there and it pretty much sets the bar for what digital effects can look like in the current age. It's clear that an enormous amount of care and effort went into making this movie come to life from a visual standpoint.

That aside, the story is complete trash. Think of every overused trope you can and it pprobably happened in this movie...then add 10 more that you forgot. I don't think I've ever been less interested in a movie's plot. The characters are flat templates, everything is predictable and the plot doesn't even feel as epic as the first movie, where you had an actual war going on, while here it's just...saving the whales I guess.

Speaking of whales, a major plot point of this movie are a bunch of hyper-intelligent whales that are so utterly retarded they basically facilitate their own extinctions. NO, I am not exaggerating.

These things are allegedly way more intelligent and complex than humanes (stated by the film directly) but somehow have decided to commit to absolute pacifism to the point where they will not even defend themselves if attacked. This then gets taken to the most absurd extreme when the one member of their species who got exiled from whale society for committing the grave sin of self-defense basically takes down the entire whaling fleet BY HIMSELF, meaning that if these smoothbrains weren't dead-set on never fighting back they could lay waste to the entire human naval operation in a day.

Oh and while we're at it, if you thought the first movie was "man bad, nature good", this one kicks it into overdrive by making the humans so cartoonishly evil in their pursuit of magic whale juice that they can then get away with massacaring the entire groupe of whale hunting contractors in increasingly graphic ways. Like...at least in the first movie it was just trained soldiers, but here we basically have virtually unarmed civilians getting mangled in horrible ways for the crime of taking up a morally dubious job.

Like, don't get me wrong, whaling is barbaric and pointless practice that should have been outlawed decades ago and if this movie somehow gets more people upset about it that's a good thing....but man are they laying it on thick.

So yeah, trash story, amazing visuals. Watch it with your eyes, not your brain.

Oh and btw, there's almost a 100% chance that someone on the team played Subnautica, had his mind blown, and decided they were just gonna lift some designs from there, because some of the creature designs seem a bit too familiar.

Also, just like the first movie, no blue nips. I am in shambles.