Should I get into Ogors

For context, I initially got into AoS at the tale end of 2022, but my local scene (a coastal retirment town) has just about 0 players. So I made the jump to 40k 10th once that was announced.

With the announcment of 4th its really reinvigorated my interest in the game! The other issue I had was pinning down a faction. Initially went in on kruleboyz, and while I love the models, the playstyle just wasnt my thing and ogors was next on my list!

From my experience I really enjoy a good melee/ranged balance, artillery, and big monsters so a gutbuster army with a FLOSH mixed in seemed perfect. I also really enjoy kitbashign and conversions and really customizing models to make them my own.

I realize that 4th will change a lot but just wanted to gauge opinions on if yall think the ogors would be a good fit.