Fatty report
Hello fellow Fatties!!!
Thought I share the results of a 3 game tourney I had on Saturday in Essesx UK. 32 players involved and this was the list I went with:
Kragnos is StoneHorny 2000/2000 pts
Grand Alliance Destruction | Ogor Mawtribes | Beast Handlers Drops: 3 Spell Lore - Lore of Maw-magic Prayer Lore - Everwinter Prayers
Manifestation Lore - Krondspine Incarnate
General’s Regiment Kragnos, the End of Empires (580) • General Stonehorn Beastriders (270) • 1 Blood Vulture Stonehorn Beastriders (270)
• 1 Blood Vulture
Regiment 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn (320) • The Fang of Ghur • Touched by the Everwinter Frost Sabres (70) Frost Sabres (70) Huskard on Stonehorn (280)
• 1 Blood Vulture
Regiment 2
Slaughtermaster (140)
Faction Terrain Mawpit
I didn’t have great results but I had a great time regardless. My dice rolls were literally cursed but more on that in a bit.
The first game vs Sylvaneth I definitely positioned poorly and made some glaring mistakes which ultimately cost me and the Kurnoth with scythes are nasty.
Khahedron Overlords was interesting game. He managed to shoot dead both my standard stonehorns in the first round but then I went on a killing spree then he was missing all his shots and myself my hits. Ended in a draw but really good game.
Iron jaws was last matchup and the most insane which I lost due to less tactics but cost myself points in the first round. I failed 4 3d6 charges (reroll included . I only needed 8’s) ironically that threw a spanner in his works and again very swingydice but gutted both pigs and naughty brutes.
I wouldn’t really change anything in the list (change my bloody dice though) I suppose change 1 stonehorn into a Mawpack possibly , Sabres did a lot for tactics , the Mawpit definitely did a lot of work chipping away. Impact charges definitely helped but there is still the durability issue of no ward. Kragnos was great just have to utilise him better. Krondspine I managed to get off a few times and it did his job well. Definitely going to practice this list more as it was fun.