Type off these pictures? 🤔
Not expecting anything super accurate or thorough since it's simple, just for fun. I'll give some explanations on the choices: 1. Favourite place: I chose this specific picture of a waffle house where I went to dinner with a smaller group after a huge local furry meet up because it goes hard but the answer is basically that i like anywhere that I'm having fun with my friends yay 2. Hobby: mostly I spend my time with creative stuff like drawing and writing. I like entertaining people, storytelling, making things that look nice (not making this post look nice though lol) and my writing focuses mostly on interpersonal relationships between the silly little people I create in my head. do not ask me about worldbuilding I ain't doin that shit I'll cry like this little girl 3. Season:Idk what else to say here. I like being able to go outside I guess 4. Hairstyle: This is just a random person so I covered the face sorry random person if you see this. Im getting this cut this week, dyeing it red though, I think it goes hard and im trying out slightly less extremely boring styles than i usually have lol 5: 🤔 6: Outfit: just put my favourite shirts in there. i think they're fun do not ask me about fashion i ain't doin that shit 7: Song: goes hard. generally like more high energy music that you can loudly sing along to, good political messaging is a nice bonus but im obviously not opening up youtube music free trial #8 expecting to hear das kapital 8: animal: I like cats they're cute and silly 9: type: women (im a feminist)