Curious Issues with Steering After Accident and Multiple Repairs (long and short versions)
VEHICLE: 2013 Honda CRV, 2WD (not certain of trim but almost definitely an LX model cause I don't have that fancy EX money).
INTRO: Hello everyone! I've had some issues with my steering and handling after an accident on the freeway just under a year ago and am hoping for some insight into steering wheel tilt and vehicle pull.
I want to follow the sub's rules so I'm going to try and keep this post on that specific issue even though there's several. There's been so many repairs and changing symptoms that this post would end up being a novel if I tried to write it all out. And it's already long enough so if you only have time for the most relevant, bare bones story, just read the short paragraphs following the TLDR's (too long; didn't read).
ACCIDENT/START of ISSUES: While driving about 80mph, another car switched lanes while I was right next to them. I swerved too hard trying to avoid them and started to wobble. I loosened my grip and minimized the wobble but veered left and hit the other vehicle pretty hard, on their right passenger side parallel to my drivers side. TPMS, EPS, and service needed lights all came on, the stability tanked, and the steering was wobbly and loose. I pulled off the freeway but the other car kept going so I inspected what I could under street lights, with no jack, and test drove it a few times around the parking lot. Because I was 75 miles away from home, and didn't have enough tow miles with AAA, I made the "pray to Jesus" decision to very slowly follow the semi trucks at about 50mph so I had the best chance of coasting to the side if I lost steering. It was terrifying and I probably shouldn't have done that for safety's sake, but there's nothing I can do about that now. Since then, I've had a lot of front end work done, but some curious issues persist.
TLDR: On the freeway, my car and another car collided pretty hard on my driver's side and their passenger side - parallel to each other. Caused TPMS, EPS, and service needed dash lights to come on, and EXTREMELY unstable steering.
ISSUES: Currently, my main issue is steering wheel tilt to the left with a fairly significant pull of the car to the right if I take my hands off the wheel or try to return it to a straight position. The tilt appears to move more to the left as I brake, and returns to straight when I accelerate, only to tilt to the left again beginning at around 30mph (give or take). If I'm veering around a large curve to the left, it feels like I have to apply some extra force to keep the wheel tilted to the left, as the wheels seem to really want to pull to the right - moreso than when I'm just driving straight.
TLDR: Steering wheel tilts to left; vehicle pulls to right.
REPAIRS: I've had 4 alignments - one after each repair (rim, "shoes," control arms, then wheel bearings), 4 new "shoes," 1 new rim (bent a bit from the accident), 2 balancing jobs - one after rim, another after the new shoes, replaced upper control arms with bushings, and replaced wheel bearings. I was told the axle is good by 2 different, and trusted, mechanics so I'm pretty sure on that one. Also was told the tie rods and joints were good but I'm not so sure; I'm going to take it back for them to check again.
QUESTION: Okay, here's my curious issue: After the accident, my steering wheel tilted to the right. I can't remember if the pull was there at that point but it's likely, and if it was there, I couldn't say if it pulled to the right or left. After the second wheel balancing (following the 4 new "shoes"), my steering wheel tilted to the left. And most definitely the pull is there, to the right. I assume they rotated the wheels because they were in different places on the car, and I'm kicking myself that I can't remember where they were originally. Regardless, I feel like the tilt changing from right to left is a huge clue, but I haven't figured it out yet.
TLDR: Steering wheel tilted to the right after the accident; unsure if vehicle pulled to right or left. Following a wheel balancing, and probable rotation, wheel now tilts to the left. Definite pull to the right when letting go of the wheel.
PLANS, HOPES, and DREAMS đ: I'm totally calling the steering and suspension specialists that did my control arms and bearings to see about bringing it in again. They are very well-reviewed, but I'm not a mechanic, and just in the off-chance that I'm being had by this place, I'm hoping to see what anyone else thinks could be causing this - the tilt and pull.
At this point, I could've put a down payment on a new car. đ¤Ļââī¸
TLDR: This is getting costly. What could this be so I don't make any unnecessary repairs?
WHAT I'VE THOUGHT IT COULD BE (me babbling on and not that important): I've wondered if I replaced the correct rim (very possible); if my brake pads are worn (mechanic said he checked); if there's an issue with the steering column or rack and pinion; if the tie rod joints were adjusted by an idiot at Big-O (which did my first two alignments), and maybe the suspension place didn't notice when they did the control arms, bearings, and second two alignments; if the tie rods are bent (but I'd think they would catch that too); or, if the sway bar links are bad (also think that would be noticed in a visual inspection). đ¤ˇââī¸
END: Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions. I'm so appreciative of anyone willing to read the main parts of this and offer some advice. I wish I was less wordy but I tried with great effort to add a shorter TLDR version in the post. đ So again, thank you. đ
TLDR: Thanks a bunch! đ