MOHAA Spearhead Community

I made a post called, "MOHAA; Spearhead memories," three years ago and posted about all the clans and people I remembered. Since that post I've had several friends from the 2002 - 2008 MOHAAS era reach out. We've decided to reach out again and see who would be willing to actively play.

We currently have two servers. One is hosting All Weapons and the other is Rifles Only.
Right now we have 20 active players, all of them are at least 2005ish players, mostly consisting of the 501st and TFR clans. We try to have scrimmages (we have random team captains) once a week. The team captains choose their team name, tags and players. The match rules are the classic best of 7, 5 minutes a round, 1 sniper per team etc. Anyone is welcome. We announce the time and day to play in Discord.

If you are interested please reply or DM me and I'll send you the information.
