Think I'm developing too much empathy!
I think meditation is making me too empathetic. I know it sounds really silly (and probably is!). I've noticed that, when people behave in ways I disaprove of, I've started to build stories in my head as to why they may be behaving that way. Well, I was just looking for a good comedy to watch (I particularly enjoy dark or silly stuff), and decided to watch This is Spinal Tap. If you've not seen it, it's a mockumentary about an 80s rock group who are waning in their popularity. There's a scene where a now popular artist disrespects them and, instead of laughing along as I usually would, I felt really bad for them! Utterly ridiculous. It's not even a real band! I don't know if this path is going to ruin stuff I enjoy, or if it's a step in the right direction I'm empathising with the ridiculous! Send help 😂