Why Doesn't Metallica Ever Take Other Thrash Bands on Tour?

Besides the BIG 4 tour they did over a decade ago.

I mean back in the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s era.

Bands like Exodus, Testament, Overkill, Death Angel, Kreator, Voivod, Toxic Holocaust, Annihilator, Sodom, Destruction, Sacred Reich, Flotsam and Jetsam, Tankard, Vio-Lence, Evile, Municipal Waste, D.R.I., Warbringer, etc.

Now to be fair they did play with Exodus once back in 1985 for one show. Death Angel also opened up for them and played two shows in 85 and once in 03 at the Fillmore.

But I noticed they always toured with what bands that are hot at the time. For example, the infamous Metallica and GN'R tour. They also wanted to tour with Alice in Chains, but Layne was going through his own personal demons at the time and so AIC didn't tour with them. And of course, when the Nu-metal era hit they did take some of the Nu- Metal bands with them on tour. And the latest bands they brought with them were Ghost and Greta Van Fleet.

But I always wondered why they never brought their Thrash peers on the road with them. Back in the 80s through to present from old school thrashers I have listed up above to newer thrash acts.

I've heard arguments that Metallica owes these bands nothing which is true. So, I can understand that side of the coin. But the other side of the coin is that wouldn't it have been cool to see some of these band's tour with Metallica back in the day to the present era.

But I wanted to start an honest discussion especially with some of you who love Thrash music.

I am off to do some grocery shopping and will check back with you lovely folks later.

GO! or should I say HIT THE LIGHTS!