This game has no sound matchmaking system
How can you win against that? The other team had full Attack planes with lots of health to trade and cool engine traits. They basically just stormed the spawn point, rammed head-on, and exploited the nearby health point. The short-range missile forced me to get closer (even closer with the cool engine trait), and since they spawn camp at this point, there's nothing I can do with the old F100 😢.
Can this game at least spread the plane types ffs
How can you win against that? The other team had full Attack planes with lots of health to trade and cool engine traits. They basically just stormed the spawn point, rammed head-on, and exploited the nearby health point. The short-range missile forced me to get closer (even closer with the cool engine trait), and since they spawn camp at this point, there's nothing I can do with the old F100 😢.
Can this game at least spread the plane types ffs