Ultraphase 2 alternative

Greetings! I am looking to replace the Ultraphase 2 detergent which is nearing its end with an alternative that is cheaper. Many posts here mention Ecover Zero chlorine free bleach, but the problem with that is that it is not available by the bottle anywhere around me here in SoCal. Amazon carries a 6-pack of half gallons, which might be a little much to commit to given that I don't even know if the results are going to be comparable to UP2.

I saw that Home Depot and other retailers carry 12% concentrated food grade H2O2, which I understand to be roughly the same percentage as UP2's H2O2 content. Understanding that it obviously wouldn't be a 1:1 substitute because it lacks the other ingredients in UP2, I was wondering if I could refill the UP2 cartridge with that 12% H2O2 and just be done. Maybe add some citric acid or lemon juice to it but in principle, why bother trying to find Ecover when it has less H2O2 content and is so hard to come by?

Looking forward to everyone's thoughts.