Feeling really depressed and not where I wanna be. Are my problems being blown out of proportion or is this valid?
The economy uncertainty is making me very depressed and I just feel really behind. I just turned 33
I thought I’d have a nice big home with a picket fence for my child but here I am, stuck in our townhouse with horrible neighbors ruining my life
When I first moved in here, things were perfect. Then the new neighbors moved in and I can’t even be home without being stressed. And yes we’ve kindly discussed the issues with the neighbors but they haven’t changed
I can’t even move for another couple years, when my husband gets a good raise in a couple years. And idk if that will be possible
I bought a new build townhouse in 2020 with the 2.5% interest rate, so my payment is low. It’s all we could afford at the time. Couldn’t afford a SFH. But I also feel stuck. Yes I have 150k ish equity since I live in a HCOLA, but everything else is inflated as well and my payment will go up so much. Sure we will be able to afford a SFH once my husband gets his raise but it will suck to pay so much more.
I do have a fenced yard which is nice. But I’m sad that my child might feel embarrassed about living in a townhouse while all her friends live in nice big SFHs. The thing is, my husband and I both have great jobs. But we can’t even afford a nice home in our home town.
I regret buying a home that shares a wall every day that I live. Don’t make my mistake.