[H] Leviathan Box Community Swap Post [W] Organize your trades here in this post [Loc] Various

Hello, miniswap community! This post is being established to give everyone a dedicated place to set up trades / sales / purchase requests for the new Leviathan box.

We understand there will likely be a LOT of posts at the end of the month of people who are interested in swapping / selling off halves, units, books, promotional material, etc from their box(es) and in a preemptive effort to reduce a hundred different posts on it, the idea will be to consolidate them into one post.

This is also a good opportunity to remind the community of rules in place to help make transactions go as safely as possible.

  • 1: Verification photos are not required on your initial comment since no one will have the items in hand yet. HOWEVER, you should send a verification photo to anyone you've set up a trade / sale / purchase with before anyone ships.

  • 2: There will inevitably be someone who expected to go buy 5 copies launch day, and only walked out with 3. This is the big reason for confirming that anyone shipping product has theirs first. Also, if someone ends up not getting the quantity they expected and can't honor their trade, understand that sometimes these things happen, I'm sure someone else will still be interested.

  • 3: PayPal Goods and Services is the only payment method that should be used on Miniswap. If you use G&S, you both (buyer and seller) get purchase protection and can request a refund through PayPal if things do go sour. Never use Friends and Family. Don't pay through someone's private website. And don't use Facebook Messenger.

  • 4: Keep as much of the conversation to replies in this post as possible. A trade shouldn't start off straight away with "DMing!". Work the trade out visibly until it comes to shipping addresses, PayPal, or other sensitive information.

We're all really excited for 10th edition around the corner. Let's keep Miniswap a safe and productive place for all us hobby enthusiasts!

Our intent is to leave this post stickied until July 15th (3 weeks after launch), at which point enough time has passed, and we can safely let the post fade into obscurity.