Moira Mains, what's your most absolute favorite/most hated thing about playing Moira?

i personally love playing her, every aspect about her is super fun to play, in my opinion. my cons playing her come in where sometimes in gameplay i run into the issue of being clipped onto something such as a wall, plant, ect., that's so miniscule nd stupid but it prevents my teleport from happening nd i end up getting killed instantly.

i also know she's been worked with nd she has numerous skins, voice lines, emotes, sprays, ect., but i'd love to see that her teleport cooldown was lessened. sometimes i find in situation where my team dies nd im left standing there by myself in the objective/next to the payload that even when i teleport to fall back/get back to group up with my team again that ill get chased by a ram or orisa nd get obliterated in the process. even if i teleport around corners, go through buildings nd cut around walls quickly, use my heal orb to self sustain myself, i still get absolutely shredded.

to clarify, i'm not saying lessen her teleport by a crazy amount but literally even 1 second would do. she's already such a good character nd everything about her character kit works out to be amazing. the cooldown on tossing her orb seems to be literally perfect, i can manage that easily but i keep falling into small issues with her teleportation that i notice in gameplay that tend to be a small annoyance.

does anyone else have issue like this or is it just me nd the way i seem to be playing her?

i personally love playing her, every aspect about her is super fun to play, in my opinion. my cons playing her come in where sometimes in gameplay i run into the issue of being clipped onto something such as a wall, plant, ect., that's so miniscule nd stupid but it prevents my teleport from happening nd i end up getting killed instantly.

i also know she's been worked with nd she has numerous skins, voice lines, emotes, sprays, ect., but i'd love to see that her teleport cooldown was lessened. sometimes i find in situation where my team dies nd im left standing there by myself in the objective/next to the payload that even when i teleport to fall back/get back to group up with my team again that ill get chased by a ram or orisa nd get obliterated in the process. even if i teleport around corners, go through buildings nd cut around walls quickly, use my heal orb to self sustain myself, i still get absolutely shredded.

to clarify, i'm not saying lessen her teleport by a crazy amount but literally even 1 second would do. she's already such a good character nd everything about her character kit works out to be amazing. the cooldown on tossing her orb seems to be literally perfect, i can manage that easily but i keep falling into small issues with her teleportation that i notice in gameplay that tend to be a small annoyance.

does anyone else have issue like this or is it just me nd the way i seem to be playing her?