Do you often have your kids friends over?
So… my husband and I are at odds on this.
I apologize for the long post. I’m a little scattered due to lack of sleep.
My daughter is 12 years old.
She has invited her friends over a handful of times this school year. Not many times in my opinion.
But my husband feels this is very often and said he doesn’t want to make a habit of her friends coming over "all the time".
They tend to come over early and stay for lunch and dinner.
This usually happens on ped days.
I’m a stay at home mom, so I really don’t mind. They’re good kids. A little loud, but they’re 12 year old girls, right? They’re very respectful girls (from what I can tell).
My husband isn’t home for much time when they’re over. He works and by the time he gets home he’s here with them for maybe 2 hours, 3 hours tops.
We grew up very differently.
My siblings and I always had friends over. In fact we were the home everyone always felt comfortable at. My friends STILL recall the fond memories they shared at my home with my family.
My husband and his brother hardly ever had friends over. His mother and brother still don’t receive much even as adults.
I feel we should embrace having her friends over because it gives me a chance to get to know the friends she hangs out with and also prevents them from hanging out at the malls or local Tim Hortons, arcades etc…
The reason I want to avoid letting my daughter hang out at these places for now is really for security purposes, and I am not always able to be there with her (and her friends).
In your opinion. Is this something you’d fight for your kids to be able to do? To have her friends over as often as she’d like (as long as it doesn’t interfere with school, work or other previous commitments).
The reason why my daughter doesn’t go to her friends’ homes is because their parents all work.
I’d also like to add that my daughter just started junior high. While she was in elementary she made friends with girls who she thought were good friends, but they betrayed her and tried to create a lot of drama. Then one of her best friends, just ghosted her completely. So she’s been very lonely.