Anyone else not let their kid attend sleepovers?

So I just saw a TikTok talking about sleepovers and that reminded me of the reaction of people when I say my kids aren’t allowed to attend sleepovers.

Well they can but they don’t sleepover,like with my 2 oldest girls who are 15 at night time I pick them up,same with my 8 and 5 year old. But with my 5 year old I’m there the whole time,I don’t leave my kids alone at a play date until they’re 8. And if you have a problem with me being there or you say I am not allowed to be there then my kid will not be there because why do you want my kid at your house alone so bad?

And they get upset because my 8 year old got invited to a sleepover not too long ago and she was mad that she couldn’t stay over but I didn’t care because you don’t anyone 100% or if they’re crazy or not. Now your kid can have a sleepover at my house because I know I’m not crazy. But the stories that I hear about what has happened to kids at sleepovers,for example I follow this mom on Instagram who got SA’d at a sleepover and another kid got killed at a sleepover I am not risking that with my kids. And it’s the same way when it comes to boarding school and summer camp,my kids will never be there. But obviously I’m not gonna judge if you are comfortable with your kid at a sleepover because not every situation is the same.