Is it really that bad?
I am a single mom who is almost 30. I have one child. He is currently 18 months old. His father use to drive us where we need to go but we broke up when our child was 11 months old.
I don't have a car. But I have lots of sidewalks in my neighborhood and there are also lots of sidewalks in the city I live in. We have a bus line in our city. And if I am in a hurry or have to go anywhere further than usual or if the weather is bad I take uber or lyft.
The closest bus stop is about a mile away. We also have lots of restaurants, grocery stores, thift stores, and gas stations and play grounds about a mile away.
However I have had sometimes where strangers would randomly slow down their car or pull over and ask "Are you okay?"
Perfect example: about a week ago me and my son were on our way home and while we were about a quarter of a mile away from our house a random car slowed down and rolled down his window and said "Are you okay?" Then I said "Yes we are fine." Then he said "You have a baby with you?" Then I just ignored him and walked away and then he drove away and I never saw him again.
I don't understand the issue of why some people do that. 1) the weather was fine 2) he was dressed appropraitely for the weather 3) I have seen people walk outside with their kid(s) in a stroller lots of times 4) we were not even going that far. 5) we were walking on the sidewalk. Not the road. 6) we were not outside the whole time. We stop at places. 7) i also walk to work when my mom comes to my house to babysit my son
We were homeless a few months ago, (we were homeless after leaving his father cause of DV) but now that we have a home I still feel like a homeless person because of how some people act if they see us walking.
I don't have a car. And even IF I did have a car it would not surprise me at all if my ex put a tracking device on it to stalk me.
I am trying to work with what I have yet some people appaerently think I am either still homeless or just a bad parent when they see me and my son walking outside. (I am the one walking. He in in the stroller)
Also even though I am almost 30 a lot of people have always falsely assumed I am younger than my real age. That and I don't have anyone else walking with us when me and my kid are outside.