Skulltimate secret displays

I wanted to display my skulltimate secrets dolls differently and I thought about hanging them up. I just wanted to know how you guys display your dolls. Do you have them on a shelf or hang them up? I’d love some ideas too! If you do hang them up, are there any downsides? Here is my current display lol, it’s a bit sad. I don’t have that many dolls, it’s only five, but I wanted to try something different.

I wanted to display my skulltimate secrets dolls differently and I thought about hanging them up. I just wanted to know how you guys display your dolls. Do you have them on a shelf or hang them up? I’d love some ideas too! If you do hang them up, are there any downsides? Here is my current display lol, it’s a bit sad. I don’t have that many dolls, it’s only five, but I wanted to try something different.