G3 Ghoulia in G1 pieces help

Hey just wondering if anyone would be able to take pics of g3 Ghoulia in any of these three g1 pieces, it’d help a lot, I haven’t had a Ghoulia before and I have a g3 repaint on the way rn, super excited but I do wanna see what would suit her best if I don’t end up just using one of her two g3 dolls’ clothes or the stuff that comes with her. Thanks in advance if you’re able to take the pics! If I don’t like the way they look I’m probs gonna try to get my hands on her Neon Frights black t shirt and her white glasses and maaaaybe the pink crocs… plus her core earrings…

ps if not Ghoulia I’m pretty sure she shares a body mold with a few other g3 characters idk which tho…