time off
i had to have my dog put to sleep saturday afternoon and i am literally a state without him. had him 16 years and i’m 18, so, yeah. it’s hard. i emailed my manager about this on friday night once i got home from work and said i’m not going to be able to come in and i don’t know what to do and he gave me the saturday and sunday off as unpaid leave as just “personal” leave which i am super thankful for. however, im scheduled in tomorrow half 9am until 5pm, but i just know im absolutely going to be a wreck. this is my first new years without him pretty much and it’s just so empty. i would far rather spend the day with my family as they always come over for dinner on new years than have to try my hardest not to ball my eyes out and serve customers with a smile on my face when fred is all i can think about. but when i even think about him i start crying and i just know i aint gunna be able to call in because i will just sob into the phone and nothing will be coherent at all. do you guys think i would be allowed tomorrow off for this if i were to email my manager again like i did on friday? or would they refuse to give me the time off unless i called in? i really just know i’m not going to be okay enough as he was my literal everything.