Severe headaches and night sweats

I've been on Mounjaro for 8 months now. 2.5mg first month then up to 5mg. I've been through some awful times but then I got used to it. My Dr finds out I lost 51lbs in 7 months and lowers met 2.5. I took 2.5 for 2 weeks but my glucose readings in the morn8ng were a but higher than my liking. She put me back on 5mg just this past Friday I took it. Saturday woke up with the worst headache of my life and I say that as a migraine sufferer. Even with my migraine medication I was in so much pain crying and throwing up. I went to the ER the next day and they treated it as a migraine then ended up giving me morphine cause it didn't help. Went home with pain still in my head which again got severe. Finally gone yesterday hope it stays that way. Last two nights I wake up drenched sweat needing to change all my clothes! And of course I'm freezing. I think I'll go back to 2.5. Anyone else get these problems in mounjaro? I feel it's odd to get them when I've been on it so long but maybe the decrease then increase did it? (Sorry for the long ramble I'm a stressed out mess)