CONSPARICY THEORY: Moviestarplanet is not punishing creeps on purpose because they profit off of them

As we all have seen, once you socialize in the movie star planet chatrooms, you will see or encounter at least 3 creeps there and since moviestarplanet is considered a kids game, you would think you wouldn’t experience a creep that easily but unfortunately you can find a creep so easily by a click on the screen. My conspiracy theory is that I think Moviestarplanet is purposely not banning and locking out creeps on purpose because they profit off of creeps. 

The first reason is that Moviestarplanet is lacking players due to not advertising much, and not making major changes to their game so the more active users they have on this game, the more profit and a reason not to shut down. 

The second reason, the more adults play on this game, the more likely they’ll spend their adult money to buy VIP and diamond packs. Imagine if you’re a parent, and your child asked you if you can give them money to spend on this game, you would probably give them money, like maybe 3 times a year, but you wouldn’t consistently give them a lot of money because they’re kids. 

3 examples of this are Pumpchkin and Donnie C, 

Pumpchkin was the highest level person on Moviestarplanet on the USA server and she has purchased 1 year star VIP (which is the highest level of VIP)  consistently for 7 years. I saw this comment on luhve’s youtube video about the real Pumpchkin and it really interest me because it shows how much money Pumpchkin spent on Moviestarplanet. 

So to summarize the math: Pumpchkin spent 2,766 days of VIP on Moviestarplanet and while Pumpchkin was on Moviestarplanet, she would most likely spend 1 year star VIP back then was $80 so 2,766 days is 7 years, 7 (years) x 80 (dollars) = $560. Yeah. That’s a lot of money for a company to make.

 And not only that, she had a squad called Team Pump where Donnie C was also a part of and there were also 3 members in Team Pump called Cutestuff, Vivi Giovanni, Snugglemuffens. When all of Team Pump got hacked and doxxed, it was revealed that those 3 accounts had Pumpchkin’s email signed up to these 3 accounts. So you could imagine how much money Pumpchkin paid for VIP and diamond packs she spent. 

I'm not judging anyone who spends money on games, I'm just using it as an example to prove my point. Turns out Pumpchkin was an adult woman playing this game this entire time who was inappropriately messaged kids on Moviestarplanet. 

 The reason why I bring up Donnie C is because he is also an adult playing this game and most likely spending 1 year star VIP on his account, basically giving money to this game. 

I just want to make this clear, there’s nothing wrong with adults playing this game, but if you’re acting like a creep on a kids game and acting like a creep to children, then that’s where it starts to become a problem.