Suggestions for movies that fit into these themes/lists

Hello! My husband and I want to start doing "Movie Theme Months" where one of us is in charge of coming up with an overall theme + three movies that fit into that theme each month. The other person doesn't know the theme or movies until the 1st of the month.

I've come up with some ideas already, but wanted to see what else people can come up with.

We are open to all genres and we are also trying to see more foreign (non-English) films too. Can be classics, new releases, comedy, drama, cheesy, so-bad-it's-good, really anything. We want a good mix.

Here is what I have come up with so far. Most of these are films I have not seen before. I would love suggestions or comments!


  • Papillon (1973)
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
  • Ransom (1996)

Gods or Angels Come to Earth:

  • City of Angels (1998)
  • The Devil's Advocate (1997)

Bald is Beautiful:

  • V for Vendetta (2005)
  • GI Jane (1997)
  • The Fast and the Furious (duh) (2001)

Good Eatin':

  • Waitress (2007)
  • Big Night (1996)
  • Babette's Feast (Danish) (1987)

Cozy Up! Excellent Knitwear:

  • Shallow Grave (1994)
  • Love Story (1970)
  • When Harry Met Sally (1989)

I said BRR - It's Cold In Here:

  • Winter's Bone (2010)
  • Frozen (2010)
  • Wind River (2017)

Ladies Night:

  • The Craft (1996)
  • Heathers (1988)
  • Enchanted April (1991)

Bad Hair Day (bad or insane hair on film):

  • Con Air (1997)

Teen Dystopia:

  • Maze Runner (2014)
  • Divergent (2014)
  • Battle Royale (Japanese) (2000)

Good For Her:

  • Jackie Brown (1997)
  • Volver (Spanish) (2006)
  • Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)

Honorable mention theme ideas:

  • Wigging Out - wigs: good or bad
  • Who Wears Short Shorts - short shorts on film i.e. Rocky III, Wet Hot American Summer, etc.
  • Sharp Teeth - vampires, dinosaurs, Jaws, etc.
  • It's Morphin' Time! - movies about people who turn into objects or other beings