How Many of Us are Non-Op?
Not pre-Op, but specifically intend to keep everything down there in its initial format.
I've been having some on-again-off-again feelings towards mine recently. Like, half the time I'm all, "You'd look better as a kitty" and the other half I'm like, "Oo... What a handsome gal~♡". Maybe it's just my bisexuality talking, but it's made me rethink my personal feelings on bottom surgery.
I think the big thig is that I assumed most people wanted surgery. Like, I see posts occasionally asking if liking their dick invalidates them (it doesn't sweethearts; be your beautiful selves), so I know it's not 100% of us who are wanting a canal, but I'm curious how prevalent that is.
25%? 50%? How many of you gals and pals plan to keep your majestic rod? How many want both?
Bonus points: Tell me why; both for the story and to maybe help me sort my feelings.