This is to all the girls early in their transitions
Take. Pictures.
I don't have any pictures of myself for the first 1.5 years of HRT (nearing 7.5 years now), and I really wish I did. It would help me see the differences between then and now, and more than that, I have a whole ass year and a half full of changes that I just plain don't have pictures of.
Being early in transition is the definition of awkward, and it's going to be like that no matter what, so you might as well take some pictures to remember that time you tried that hairstyle or wardrobe choice, and both cringe and feel for that person trying to figure themselves out
Edit: also, get a hobby that takes up time. I picked up guitar as a result of having a shit ton of time to do nothing (had a 2-3 year gap between high school and college to transition). I recommend something that you can create, so music or something like crochet, or knitting, though it's really up to you