My mother Said I'd never be a woman

My mother heard my (personal and confidential) appointment with my therapist. She heard from the other side of the door.

I talked to my therapist about being a woman and some trans experiences that I had. This was 3 days ago.

Today my mother confronted me about me considering myself as a woman. It was a rough Conversation.

I won't say everything but what's important is this part:

Me"I just need you to accept me as I am. That's just it. Please."

She"You want me to address you as a she?"

Me"Yes, please. I know it can be hard but I don't care if you get it wrong by mistake sometimes. I just need you to accept me, to love me."

She"well (dead name) I can't, I will always love you, as I am your mother. But you aren't and will never be a woman. That's just biology."

I'm wrecked, pissed, sad, depressed. I really thought she'd do better. But she heard my appointment and used it against me.

I just want to get out of here but I've got no family that would accept me and I feel hopeless.